Blogging 'Bout Books

Monday, February 09, 2009

We have added several new books to our collection. One of them is:

42 Miles by Tracie Vaughn Zimmer; illustrated by Elaine Clayton.
Clarion, 2008. 978-0-618-61867-5

JoEllen has two names, two identities, and two parents in two
separate homes. She's a hip downtown 'tween during the week with Mom
and a country hick farm girl on the weekends with Dad. 42 miles and
one divorce separate her two selves and her two lives as her
thirteenth birthday approaches. Zimmer admirably creates a nuanced
picture of Ellen/Joey's two lives in free verse poems that capture
both the challenges and the fun of each life. Laced with authentic
emotion, this verse novel paints a picture of a girl coming into her
own strength, who will find the courage to combine her two lives, her
two families, and her two selves. Illustrated with appealing
scrapbook style black-and-white illustrations, this book will appeal
to poetry lovers, to challenged readers (for its slim size), to
children of divorce, and to teachers, who will use it as a model for
writing from their students. Strongly recommended. Suggested grades: 4-8

Review courtesy of Toni Buzzeo.

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